Engineering, Choosing A College
Procrastinators, listen up! College preparation should begin freshman year of high school (or before) to maximize your chances of success. Here are a few things students can do (starting the very first day) in high school to be successful in college:
Time Management
Many students are overwhelmed by the freedom they get when they begin college. This freedom comes with a lot of decisions you might not be used to making. Students are often torn between social and academic lives, and it’s best if you establish efficient methods of managing your time in high school. Get a planner, and use it. Establish a habit of getting schoolwork done before you go out with friends. It’ll pay off when you make the Dean’s List your first semester of college (and it’ll help you boost your GPA now).
Get Involved
Explore some hobbies and extracurriculars in high school. Extracurricular sports teams, clubs, and organizations are all active on college campuses, and you’ll feel more comfortable getting involved if you’ve had some experience in high school. Colleges also want to see that their prospective students have varied interests and hobbies.
Actively Participate
We all get it--raising your hand in class to answer the teacher’s questions doesn’t come naturally to everyone. That said, it’s super important to stand out to your professors in college--making great impressions can open some amazing doors to you, professionally. Practice class participation in high school, and you’ll be a pro at the university level. (Plus, you may even boost your current GPA, which is always a win).
Stay Focused
Surround yourself with friends who are focused on their own goals. Form study groups, go on college campus tours together, whatever it takes to keep your “eyes on the prize.”
Success doesn’t just happen to students. Incorporate these specific habits (wherever you are in your high school years) to best prepare for entering college. Want to read more about college prep? Check out these other articles.